Whoever you are and from wherever you come we welcome you to our website, mtb trips
“Mtb trips” has started from the passion for mountains and biking. We created this web-site with the desire to share with cyclists from around the world the unique and magical experience that cycling in Romania has to offer.
Explore the Carpathian Garden, A world full of adventures, experiences, senses tickled by the effervescent biodiversity, a world to get lost in, yet a world where you can find yourself in. You fly above the highest peaks, you dive into the deepest valleys. You live the pure and eternal dream, and are woken up by the cool and clear mountain springs, bursting with life and energy. And you don’t want to leave. Fueled by authentic and organic snacks, you skip on your bike like a chamois on steep cliffs and you don’t look back, only ahead ! But the entire mountain experience reaches its climax only when you conquer one of the most difficult peaks. You then take a panoramic look around yourself and wonder about how you managed to get there. You wonder about the beauty and the greatness of the welcoming, yet unforgiving Mother Nature ! All adventure is remarkable and gratifying, but on the bicycle it is truly exceptional !
Come and spend your holiday while mountain biking in the country of myth and legend called Romania.
Video made from scenes* recorded by “Aventuri pe bicicleta” in the summer of 2012.
Prepare yourself for the “there is no words to describe it” trip made in the country of myth and legend called Romania. Mtb trips is here to offer one of the best wild mountain biking experience in a astonishing location, Romania.

*less the scene with the bear and Transfagarasan road. The scene with the bear is recorded on Transfagarasan road !!